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Annual Meeting

7th Annual Meeting (ACM7)


Abstract of the meeting

DateOctober 13-15, 2010
VenueKOKUYO Hall (Oct 13, 14) and Meeting Room, NBRC, NITE (Oct 15)-Tokyo/Chiba, Japan
Participants[ACM members]
Cambodia(MOE), China(IMCAS), Indonesia(LIPI), Japan(NITE), Korea (KCTC, KACC, KNRRC), Laos(RIS-STEA), Malaysia(MARDI), Mongolia (IB-MAS), Philippines(BIOTEC), Thailand(BIOTEC), Vietnam(VNU)
Taiwan (BCRC), Brunei Darussalam(MIPR), Pakistan (PARC), Brunei
MemoCombined with the ACM annual meeting, the International Symposium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Asian Microbial Resources was also held at Tokyo on October 13 and 14.


  1. Discussion and confirmation of Kazusa Statement of ACM
  2. Discussion of ACM future
  3. Adoption of ACM6 minutesTask Force Meetings
  4. ACM Member Reports
  5. Task Force Meetings
  6. Announcement of ACM9


The minutes is here.(PDF file) PDF icon
