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About ACM

In 2004, Tsukuba, Japan, The ACM was born with all representatives’ approval from 12 Asian countries (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.) simultaneously held on the 10th International Congress on Culture Collections (ICCC-10).
The ACM promotes collaborations among governments and public organizations for the purposes of enhancing conservation and sustainable use of microbial resources in Asia.


The objective of the Consortium is to promote collaboration among government or public organizations in Asian countries for the purposes of enhancing conservation and sustainable use of microbial resources in Asia.


The activities of the ACM;

  • To collaborate among biological resource centers
  • To promote research and development of microbial resources and application for industrial purposes
  • To enhance awareness of the ACM’s activities
  • To develop human resources
  • To exchange perspectives and information
  • To arrange scientific meetings
  • Others


The rule of the ACM was set on the first annual meeting.
The rule was amended several times, and the latest version is available from here. PDF icon
