Task Force: BRC Standardization (BRCS)
BRC Standardization Task Force (BRCS-TF) has established aiming to develop and provide the guideline for implementation of the international standards e.g. ISO9001, ISO20387 to ensure quality, safety and efficiency of Biological Resource Centers (BRCs). The BRCS-TF will share information and keep ACM members updated with the latest requirements and specification of international standards for microbial resource centers (mBRCs). Expected output of the BRCS-TF is to create and publish the ACM implementation guideline or checklist for mBRC standard.
Hiroko Kawasaki (NBRC, Japan)
- Jung-Sook Lee, (KCTC, Korea)
- Supawadee Ingsriswang (TBRC, Thailand)
- Suwanee Chunhametha (TBRC, Thailand)
- Chitwadee Phithakrotchanakoon (TBRC, Thailand)
- Tan Geok Hun (UPM, Malaysia)
- Pornpoj Srisukchayakul (TISTR, Thaiand)
- Patricia Cheng (BCRC, Chinese Taipei)
- Yiseul Kim (KACC, Korea)